Customer Reviews for Minority Report

2 Customer reviews


Star rating

Ambitious and fun

Joe from London, England
7th May 2024

All the reviews of this play b4 it came to London were good or excellent. Suddenly it comes to the big smoke and everyone wants to rip it to shreds, sometimes in the same publications that were lauding it's success prior to the Lyric run. Myself and 15 friends and family watched it on May 4th and thoroughly enjoyed ourselves. It is by no means the best play ever. Ambition gets the better of itself at times and exposition and action clash along the way. However, it was ambitious, it was exciting, some of the exposition was there to really make you think and only 1 of our party didn't enjoy it, he doesn't like the theatre as a medium anyway, so nothing would have worked on him. If you want a slick sci-fi flick, go to the movies or stay at home. If you want an ambitious and fun night out, you could do a lot worse than seeing this play. BTW - I am a Londoner who likes good theatre at a fair price, certainly more than wasting a fortune in the west end watching some slick banal musical!

By far the worst thing I have ever scene in a theatre.

Bob Hazel from London, England
26th April 2024

Just got back from seeing Minority Report at The Lyric In Hammersmith and it was by far the worst thing I have ever scene in a theatre. Everything - the script, the acting, the stage direction, the costumes, the choreography, the set design, the special FX and the sound design was incompetent and amateurish. It at no time even reached dull competence - literally everything about it was completely dire.