Customer Reviews for My Neighbour Totoro

4 Customer reviews


Star rating

Magical ... Pure and simply delivered quality "magic"

Yuki Ortega Yamamoto from London, England
22nd March 2024

The superb and original staging of the show was topped by sweet and engaging acting, wonderful singing and music performance... That transported the audience back to their childhood... Like a time bomb where you get to be 5-6 years old again... What a show! Please bring it back next year!!! I must bring my mum (she's Japanese)!!

A Magical Experience

Nick N. from London, England
7th December 2023

My Neighbour Totoro has phenomenal music, staging and acting, as well as top notch puppeteering, and has easily become my favourite play to date. But what makes it special is not any of the above, nor even the fact that it captures the soul and essence of the Ghibli movie. What made this play memorable for me, was the fact it made me forget the everyday life and transported me back to my childhood days. Suddenly, I was 6 again, staying with my grandparents for the summer and spending my days fooling around with my cousin and pretending to fight imaginary monsters. For the few hours in which it lasted i was a kid having fun and i felt transported to the past, experiencing a time when both of my grandparents were alive and I was under their care. I cannot thank this play enough for giving me that feeling and helping me recall those magical moments.

Charming stage adaptation of Ghibli classic Totoro

Michael Austin from London, England
13th October 2022

Based on the 1988 Studio Ghibli classic My Neighbour Totoro, the Royal Shakespeare Company beautifully brings the animated film to life in this charmingly portrayed stage adaptation. Set in 1958 rural Japan, this production follows young sisters Mei and Satsuki as they intergrate into their new home with their father Tatsuo, meeting the local villagers, going to school, and eventually meeting the huge cuddly forest spirit Totoro who helps the girls when they need it most with their mother in hospital. The sets in this stage production are wonderfully created in their simplicity and coordination, and the acting and choreography is no less than anything you would expect from the RSC. The whole atmosphere of this entire play would be impossible without the amazing music and calming singing coming from high up within the tree canopy. You are guaranteed to laugh, smile, and even perhaps shed a tear at times in this magical portrayal that is a must-see this winter.

Wow!!! Amazing play!!!

Anonymous from London, England
10th November 2022

I loved this play sooo much! I would like to give it much more than five stars ;) The set was awesome - I won’t give too many spoilers, but the house (wow!) and the forest, I really can’t do them justice, it has to be seen to be believed. The actor and actresses were amazing, such realistic acting. The musicians were doing various sound effects through out, and it was fun to try and guess what instruments were making which sounds. The singer switched from Japanese to English so fluently that you almost didn’t even realise. I loved imagining all that could be happening backstage, and I always think that we as the audience only see a very little of what is actually happening. All the little details were added in, stuff that really make the whole thing more real, and certain things to stand out. I would highly recommend this play for any age. After the play (we went to the earlier show) we were all like, ‘Let’s go again!’ This is an amazing day out if you want to go be utterly impressed.