Hansel and Gretel Reviews
Caron from Bedford, England
Walked out after 35minutes. Awful production. Sound was poor. The narrator needed a better microphone and actors kept turning their back on the audience. Music was grating and the attempt at rapping was pitiful. Nothing to engage young children until the moon appeared. Cast tried to engage audience but it was embarrassing. Trying to be worthy but should have gone for entertaining. Have loved previous Christmas shows at the Globe but this was a huge disappointment.
J Anstey from London, England
We go to lots of theatre. From the ad (chocolate pudding) and the venue (Globe theatre), this looked like it might be magical. Sadly, it wasn't. There was nothing fantastical about it. We didn't like the set, costumes (hobos in beanies) or acting. Probably our worst experience at the theatre in a long time. It didn't feel like a fairy tale or like Christmas. It felt like a high-school play worthy of a town hall, not The Globe Theatre. We were very disappointed. And surprised The Globe would associate themselves with a production of this calibre.
Hannah B from London, England
Echo other reviews on this, really disappointed. This was first visit to the Globe and we’d hoped for a magical performance given the stunning marketing visuals and credentials of the writer. Had huge potential, total let down. We struggled to follow the story as the narrator was so hard to hear, why no mikes? Terrible voice projection? We actually struggled to follow the story at, I’ve no idea what happened after the witch was boiled. What on earth was the blow up swan all about? And I couldn’t tell you how it ended except that they got home, as it was inaudible (except the excellent witch) and actors had their backs to people. Audience had no idea how to engage with it. To be honest it was the worst “modern adaptation” I’ve ever seen. Props looked like they’d been pulled out of a local school drama cupboard, the house made of sweets awful. I came away questioning the whole purpose of the Globe, if that’s their normal quality of performance I don’t think we would go back sadly.
Kb from London, England
Agree with the other reviews. Could hardly hear the narrator, singing was out of time and felt underrehearsed, a couple of slip ups that normally might be forgivable but because the rest of the production was weird and boring it just seemed another nail in the coffin. Don't go!
Paulette from London, England
Left at interval. Hugely disappointed. Love going to the theatre. This was supposed to be a pre Christmas treat. Strained to hear some of the words. Like a very poor amateur production all round
Joe McInytre from London, England
The most horrific performance since my own play I held as 5 year old. Music is akin to a rabid man at the last of his whim. The acting is so horrific all I could do is laugh. Please save your life and never go to this play. You will thank my advise.
Steven Reynolds from London, England
Probably the worst thing I’ve seen in a professional theatre - I left at the interval because I couldn’t face sitting through another act. Given this is a well known folk tale I was amazed that I found myself wondering what was going on at points, thanks to a combination of poor stagecraft and worse projection. It lacks the usual magic you’d expect from the globe - the staging is unimaginative and cheap. Music is dreadful. Bizarre attempts to appeal to both the very young and adult audience members leave both unengaged. Clearly it’s all about trying to get non-globe regulars in for Christmas and giving them as little of a show as possible.
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