September 2025Sep 25

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Shakespeare in September

Antony and Cleopatra

National Theatre, Olivier Open Run

Antony and Cleopatra, National Theatre Olivier, London

Shakespeare's Globe Theatre Tour & Exhibition

Shakespeares Globe Theatre Tour Open Run

The capital at its very best

Shakespeares Globe Theatre Tour Exhibition, Shakespeares Globe Theatre Tour, London

Get schooled in Shakespeare with The Globe Exhibition, London's ultimate guide to The Bard. Packed full of video, artifacts and practical reconstructions, it takes you back in time to the raucous streets...

Twelfth Night

Shakespeares Globe Theatre Aug 8 - Oct 25, 2025

All of Shakespeare's greatest hallmarks

Twelfth Night, Shakespeares Globe Theatre, London

Coming to Shakespeare's Globe as part of the 2025 Summer Season is Shakespeare's delightfully spirited tale of Viola, a shipwrecked orphan who takes matters into her own hands when stranded on the shores...

September 2025Sep 25