An essential, explosive human thriller
Starring Lesley Manville and Mark Strong!Renowned director Robert Icke (known for his transformative adaptation of the Orestei), brings Sophocles' tragic ancient Greek play to life in a stunning contemporary...
Age has not withered the queasy nightmare of Stanley Kubrick's nuclear holocaust satire
The Cold War classic Dr. Strangelove by legendary filmmaker Stanley Kubrick gets its first-ever stage adaptation, by Armando Iannucci and Sean Foley and starring Steve Coogan! Released in 1964, the iconic...
Re-establishes Hairspray as one of the great dance musicals... A near perfect balance of book and music, celebrating mankind's capacity for change and acceptance
Can you hear the bells? The Eight-time Tony and four-time Olivier Award-winning musical smash hit Hairspray spreads its toe-tapping magic across the UK once more during a hotly anticipated regional tour...
Candlelight concerts bring the magic of a live, multi-sensory musical experience to awe-inspiring locations like never seen before
Meastro of the movies, Hans Zimmer has been responsible for some of the most celebrated film scores of the last few decades. Be it setting the scene in Gotham for Batman to duke it out with his latest...