The critically acclaimed Australian musical FANGIRLS debuted in 2019 and premiered at London's Lyric Hammersmith in July 2024. Written by Yve Blake, the story follows 14-year-old Edna, the number-one fan of the world's biggest boy band, True Connection (oh, we see what you did there). Edna's life revolves around her obsession with the band, especially the lead singer, Harry. The plot takes an unexpected twist when Edna's intense fixation leads her to hatch a wild plan to meet Harry.
So, what do the critics think of this fresh and exhilarating musical?
"Combining the acid wit of Six', the rebel streak of Matilda and the gooey heart of Everybody's Talking About Jamie', Yve Blake's new musical will inspire outsized feelings and ardent devotion" - The Independent
"Yve Blake's defiantly poptastic, tongue-in-cheek musical, directed by Paige Rattray, is as much a validation of the teen-girl experience as a kooky homage to the culture of superfans, for whom a band's break-up can feel akin to grief. It gently pokes fun at its archetypal characters, but validates their feelings too." - The Stage
"There's nothing else in London theatres like Fangirls" - i News
"Raucous Aussie musical is a bittersweet celebration of fandom" - The Evening Standard
"The hit Australian musical is a fun defence of teenage girl fandoms" - The Telegraph
"Already a hit in Australia, the kooky Sonia Friedman show about a teen who kidnaps her idol comes to the Lyric Hammersmith with a bang" - The Times